Symbol and Notation (Reasoning)

Directions (Q.1 to 5): In the following question, symbols #, $, %, « and @ symbols are used according to the following meaning as per below instruction.
'P # Q' means that 'P is not elder than Q.
'P % Q' means that 'P is neither younger nor elder than Q.
'P $ Q' means that  'P, neither younger nor equal to Q.
'P « Q' means that 'P is neither elder nor equal to Q.
'P @ Q' means that 'P is not younger than Q.
Now find out the definite correct answer from both the given conclusion (I) and (II) letting the given statements are true in the following each qiuestions and answer accordingly.
(A)        If only conclusion I is true.
(B)        If only conclusion II is true.
(C)        If either conclusion I or II is true.
(D)        If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(E)        If both conclusion I and II are true.
(A)        If only conclusion I is true.
(B)        If only conclusion II is true.
(C)        If either conclusion I or II is true.
(D)        If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(E)        If both conclusion I and II are true.

Q.1    Statement:     P # Q, Q % R, R « S
         Conclusion:     (I)    R @ P
                              (II)    P # S

Q.2    Statement:     P $ Q, Q @ S, S % R
         Conclusion:     (I)    P @ R
                              (II)    R # Q

Q.3    Statement:    W « X, X # Y, Y $ Z
         Conclusion:    (I)    W « Z
                             (II)    W $ Z

Q.4    Statement:     G @ H, H $ J, J % K
         Conclusion:     (I)    K « G
                              (II)    J « G
Q.5    Statement:     N @ M, M $ P, P # T
         Conclusion:     (I)    T # N
                              (II)    P « N

Answer Key

1 2 3 4 5
