Question Based On GK-1

1.       ‘ India wins freedom’ is the autobiography of :
(a) Abul kalam Azad               (b) Muhammad ali           (c) Zakir Hussain              (d) Syed Ahmed Khan
2.       Who called Gandhi ‘ half naked beggar’ ?
(a) Mountbatten                       (b) hastings                        (c) Winstone Churchiil   (d) Jinnah
3.       The Harappan civilization was discovered in the year :
(a) 1901                                       (b) 1921                              (c) 1935                               (d) 1942
4.       Which Amendment of the Indian constitution inserted the two words ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ in the Preamble ?
(a) 28th                                         (b) 40th                                 (c) 42th                                                (d)  52th
5.       Which part of the Indian constitution deals with the directive principles of the state policy ?
(a) part I                                      (b) part III                          (c) part IV                            (d) part V
6.       Rashtrapati Bhawan was designed by :
(a) Edward Stone                     (b) Le Corbusier               (c) Edwin Lutyens           (d) Tarun Dutt
7.       In an economy, the sectors are classified into public and private on the basis of :
(a) employment condition    (b) nature of economic activities (c) ownership of enterprises (d) use of raw materials 
8.       Who coined the term ‘Hindu rate of Growth’ for Indian Economy ?
(a) AK sen                                   (b) Kirit S parikh              (c) Raj Krishna                 (d) Montek singh Ahluwalia
9.       The planning commission of India was constituted in the year :
(a) 1942                                       (b) 1947                              (c ) 1950                              (d) 1955
10.   The major aim of devaluation is to :
(a) encourage exports            (b) encourage imports   (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Discourage both exports & imports
11.   Who discovered the solar system ?
(a) Copernicus                           (b) Kepler                           (c) Aryabhatta                   (d) Newton
12.   On Earth, there is no centrifugal force at the :
(a) Equator                                 (b) Tropic of cancer         (c) Tropic of Capricorn   (d) Poles             
13.   Epicenter is concerned with
(a) Volcano                                  (b) cyclone                          (c) earthquake                  (d) land sliding
14.   Anantapur  district in ndhra Pradesh in famous  for ?
(a) Copper                                   (b) Mica                                (c) Bauxite                          (d) Gold
15.   In Uttar Pradesh, the Kharif crop is sown during
(a) January-February     (b) April-May                     (c) June-July                       (d) October-December
