Geographical Epithets (Sobriquets)

Blue Mountains : Nilgiri Hills, India
City of Dreaming Spires :Oxford, England
City of Golden Gate  : San Francisco, USA
City of Sky Scrapers : New York, USA
City of Seven Hills : Rome, Italy
Cockpit of Europe  :  Belgium
China’s Sorrow  : Hwang Ho
Dark Continent : Africa
Eternal City : Rome
Forbidden City : Lhasa, Tibet
Gate of Tears : Bab-el-Mandeb, Jerusalem
Granite City : Aberdeen, Scotland
Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
Hermit Kingdom : Korea
Island Continent : Australia
Island of Cloves : Madagascar
Island of Pearls :  Bahrain
Key to the Mediterranean  :  Gibraltar
Land of Golden Fleece :  Australia
Land of Mid Night Sun : Norway
Land of Rising Sun  : Japan
Land of White Elephant : Thailand
Never Land  : Prairies of N. Australia
Pearl of Antilles : Cuba
Pillars of Hercules  : Strait of Gibraltar
Pink City : Jaipur, India
Queen of the Adriatic : Venice, Italy
Sugar Bowl of the World : Cuba
Venice of the East : Cochin, India
Venice of the North : Stockholm
Windy city : Chicago, USA
Yellow River : Hwango Ho
