English Grammar - Direct Speech

Direct Speech :किसी व्यक्ति  (Person) के द्वारा बोले गए वाक्य (Sentence) को उसी अवस्था में प्रकट करना या लिखना Direct Speech कहलाता है।
    Reporting Speech

    1.    Mohan said to me I am your friend
        (Reported speech)
    Ans. Mohan told me that he was my friend.
    2.    She said to him, you can play with me
    Ans. She told him that he could play with her.
    I, II, III, person के Subject तथा object निम्नलिखित हैं:
  Subjects    I object     ;    II object
     I                my         ;      me
    We             our         ;      us
    You            your       ;      you
    He              his         ;      him
    She            her         ;      her
   Name of  boy
   (he)             his         ;     him          
   Name of  girl
   (she)           her         ;    her
    They         their        ;    they
    Plural person
    (they)       their         ;    they
Practice Exercise (Common)
    1.    She says to me, " I shall help you"
    2.    You say to her,"you can sit her."
    3.    Mohan says to Seema, "I shall not teach you."
    4.    The teacher says to the girls I shall not teach you tomorrow."
    5.    Harish says to me, "you are not my true friend."
    6.    I say to him," you will not play with me."
    7.    He said to me," i shall not give you this pen."
    8.    Ravi said to Tanya," you can not solve my sum."
