MCQ on Grammar

Directions for Questions: In the following passages, each numbered line contains an error related to grammar and punctuation.  Choose the correct option from the lists given below the passages and detect errors in the context of the corresponding  passage.
Passage-1    A thunderstorm was a very grand sight.     Q- 1
                  Thunderstorms at India are common          Q- 2
                  At the first and at the end of the monsoon.  Q- 3
                  Yesterday there is a grand thunderstorm in Delhi.  Q- 4
 1.        A- is            B- are    C- will be   D- may be
 2.        A- of           B- in     C- from     D- with
 3.        A-taking       B- beginning    C- making  D- bringing  
 4.        A- were       B- was     C- would   D- used to be
    What a luck overjoyed, Q- 5
    she prayed to god   Q- 6
    with fold hands for His Q- 7
    great help with the hour of need! Q- 8
5 .   This line needs-
    A- an exclamation mark after ‘luck’
    B- a full stop after ‘luck’   
    C- a small letter for ‘overjoyed’. 
    D- no correction required.   
6. This line needs-
    A- a capital letter for ‘she’      B- a capital letter for ‘god’ 
    C- a comma after ‘prayed’      D- inverted commas for ‘god’
7.     A- with folding hand     B- with fold hand
        C- with folded hands    D- with folding hands
8.  A- at the hour       B- in the hour
    C- to the hour        D-of the hour
