Practice Exercise for English

    Develop the story with the help of the outlines given below :
    1.    A pet dog ........... gets a name and home ........... one month old ........... good master ........... milk ........... love and car ........... a member of the family ........... now young ........... keeps a watch ........... a happy life.
    2.    Two friends ........... journey ...........forest ........... one see a bear ........... a friend ........... doesn't tell other ........... climbs a tree ........... other lies down ........... eyes closed ........... bear smells ........... life safe ........... moral.
    3.    A thirsty crow ........... in search of water ........... sees a jug in the garden ........... tries to drink ........... fails ........... sees pebbles ........... thinks of a plan ........... drinks water ........... flies away.
    4.    Old woman ........... rich ...........alone in village ........... son in city ........... a young servant with her ........... One night kills her ........... escapes with booty ........... son performs funeral rites ........... stands at bust stop ........... sees the servant ........... catches ........... police arrests servant.
    5.    A boys falls in bad company ...........father knows basket of fresh apples ........... one rotten apple ........... all gets rotten ........... moral.
    6.    An old farmer ........... four sons ........... always quarrels ........... do noting ........... falls sick ........... calls and gives bundle of sticks ........... unable to breaks ........... explains ........... union is strength.
    7.    A Fox hungry ........... in search of food ........... reaches a garden ........... sees grapes ........... very high ........... jumps ........... can't get there ........... goes away ........... grapes sour.
    8.    Old farmer ........... about to die ........... four lazy sons ........... farmer thinks a plan ........... sens them in a field ........... treasure hidden ........... asks them to dig ........... no treasure ........... ask to irrigate ........... crops grow ........... understand hidden moral.
    9.    A dog ........... finds a piece of meat in (mouth ........... goes near river ........... sees reflection........... thinks another dog........... tries to snatch it ........... own piece fall down.
    10.    A Hare proud of speed ........... makes fun of tortoise ........... challenges to have race ........... race starts ........... run fast ........... takes a short nap under a tree ........... loses the race.
