What is Analogy?

In general, the meaning of analogy is similarity. But, in terms of reasoning, the meaning of analogy is logical similarity in two or more things. This similarity may be on the basis of properties, kinds, traits, shapes etc.
Worker and Product
Carpenter : Furniture : : Mason : Wall
Carpenter makes Furniture and Mason builds a Wall.
1.     Author : Book     7.     Editor : Newspaper
2.     Architect : Design     8.     Farmer : Crop
3.     Butcher : Meat     9.     Judge : Justice
4.     Chef : Food     10.     Poet : Poem
5.     Choreographer : Ballet     11.     Teacher : Education
6.     Cobbler : Shoes     12.     Tailor : Clothes
Worker and Tool Relationship
Woodcutter : Axe : : Soldier : Gun
 Axe is the tool used by a Woodcutter, likewise a Soldier uses a Gun to shoot.
1.     Author : Pen     9.     Doctor : Stethoscope
2.     Astronomer : Telescope     10.     Farmer : Plough
3.     Barber : Scissors     11.     Gardener : Harrow
4.     Butcher : Chopper     12.     Painter : Brush
