Self Evaluation Test (Reasoning)

Questions based on Blood Relation
1.  A woman going with a boy is asked by another woman about the relationship between them. The woman replied, "My maternal uncle and the uncle of his maternal uncle is the same. How is the lady related with that boy.   
(A)    Aunt and Nephew                    (B)     Mother and Son           
(C)   Grandson and Grandmother      (D)     Aunt and Son   
(E)   None of these
2.    Ravi said to lady. "The son of your only brother is the brother of my wife". How is the lady related with Ravi?
(A)     Mother                          (B)     Sister
(C)     Paternal mother-in-law    (D)     Aunt
(E)     None of these
3.    A is the son of C, C and Q are sister, R is the mother of Q. If A is the father of P then which of the following options is correct ?
(A)     R is the maternal grandmother of A
(B)     P is the Maternal uncle of A            
(C)     P & A are cousins 
(D)    All of the above
(E)     None of these
4.    "Your father is the maternal uncle of my father" said Ravi to Seeta. How are they related?
(A)     Cousins                         (B)     Nephew and Aunt
(C)     Real brother and sister    (D)    Nephew and Uncle
(E)     None of the above
5.    Leela, who is Sohan's daughter says to Lalita "Your mother Alka is the younger sister of my father , who is the third child of Raja". Establish the relationship between Raja and Lalita?
(A)     Father                          (B)     Uncle
(C)     Maternal grandfather     (D)    Paternal grandfather
(E)     None of these
6.    A total B that C is his father's nephew. D is A' s cousin but not the brother of C. What relationship is there between D and C?
(A)     Father     (B)     Sisters
(C)     Mother    (D)     Aunt
(E)     None of these
7.    F is the brother of A, C is the daughter of A, K is the sister of F and G is the brother of C then who is the uncle of G?
(A)     F    (B)     K
(C)     C    (D)    G
(E)     None of these
8.    B is husband of C.A is sister of B.D is sister of C. How is D related to B?
(A)     Son     (B)      Uncle   
(C)     Father-in-law    (D)     Sister-in-law    
(E)     None of these
9.    'A' is the father of 'B' and 'C', 'B' is the son of 'A' buy 'C' is not the son of 'A'. What is 'C's' relation with 'A' ?
(A)     Daughter     (B)     Son
(C)     Nice    (D)     Nephew           
(E)     None of these
10.    A man introduced the boy coming with him as 'He' is son of the father of my wife's daughter", What relation did the boy bear to the man?
(A)     Son-in-low    (B)     Son
(C)     Brother          (D)     Father           
(E)     None of these
11.    Vidya is the wife of Gopi and Gopi is the brother of Akhil. Akhil is the uncle of Vijay What is Vijay's relation with Vidaya?
(A)     Son                   (B)     Nephew
(C)     Brother-in-low    (D)    Cannot be determined   
(E)     None of these
12.    If Amit's father is Billoo's father's only son and Billo has neither a brother nor a daughter what is the relationship between Amit and Billoo?   
(A)     Uncle-Nephew    (B)     Father-daughter
(C)     Father-son          (D)     Cousins
(E)     None of these
13.    A man and a woman are sitting in a room Man's mother-in-low and woman's mother-in-low are mother and daughter respectively. Man is the ……… of the woman.
(A)     Father     (B)     Father-in-law
(C)     Uncle     (D)     Grandfather-in-law
(E)     None of these
14.    Looking at a portrait of a man, Harsh said, "His mother is the wife of my father's son. Brothers and sisters I have none." At whose portrait was Harsh looking ?
(A)     His son              (B)     His cousin      
(C)     His uncle           (D)    His nephew      
(E)     None of these
15.    If Neena says, "Anita`s father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Mahipal", then how is Bindu, who is the sister of Anita, related to Mahipal?
(A)     Niece           (B)     Daughter      
(C)     Wife           (D)     Daughter-in-law      
(E)     None of these
16.    Daya has a brother Anil, Daya is the son of Chandra. Bimal is Chandra's father. In term of relationship, what is Anil of Bimal ?
(A)     Son               (B)     Grandson      
(C)    Brother           (D)     Grandfather
(E)     None of these
17.    Rahul's mother is the only daughter of Monika's father. How is Monika's husband related to Rahul ?
(A)     Uncle                   (B)     Father      
(C)    Grandfather           (D)    Brother      
(E)     Data inadequate
18.    A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D ?
(A)    Grandmother           (B)    Grandfather      
(C)    Daughter                 (D)    Grand daughter  
(E)     None of these
19.    Deepak is brother of Ravi. Rekha is sister of Atul. Ravi is son of Rekha. How is Deepak related to Rekha ?
(A)     Son                  (B)     Brother      
(C)     Nephew            (D)     Father
(E)     None of these
20.    A and B are two brothers. C and D are sisters. A's son is D's brother. How is B related to C?
(A)     Father                   (B)     Brother      
(C)     Grandfather           (D)     Uncle
(E)     None of these 
1.    (B)     2.      (C)      3.    (A)     4.    (B)      5.    (C)    6.      (B)    7.     (B)    8.      (D)   
9.    (A)    10.     (B)     11.    (D)    12.  (C)    13.    (B)    14.    (A)    15.    (A)    16.    (B)
17.   (B)    18.    (D)    19.    (A)     20.   (D)
