Statement and Course of Action
Evaluating courses of action is a major area of logical reasoning. This is a regular feature in Bank scrutinies exams. This type of questions is intended to scrutinies the decision-making skills of the candidate.
Type-I: Problem Solution Relation
In this type of pattern, the suggested course of action can be followed if.
1. It solves / reduces of minimize the problem
2. the solution or course of action is practically possible.
A suggested course of actions can be said to solve/reduce/minimize, the problem.
(a) It is an established fact.
i.e., It is acknowledged universally as a fact. It is an established fact that accidents can be minimized if the motorists follow traffic rules.
(b) Experiences says so :
If previous experience predict that the particular course of action will minimize the problems, then it can be followed. For example, past experiences tell us that a ban on arrack is never effective. A tougher legislation may make it effective, but till now it proved otherwise.
(c) Logically it is right:
If the problem given is a new one and hardly any experience can be attached to it, check whether the course of action is logically right.
Type-II: Fact - Improvement Relation
This pattern is solved just by applying the same rules of Type I. First we have to identify whether the fact or situation will improve due to the course of action mentioned. Second thing to do is to check whether the, course of action is practically possible.
Practice Exercise
1. Statement: Passengers travelling by the Indian Railways face a lot of hardships and inconveniences.
Courses of Action:
I. Efforts should be made to stop overcrowding in trains
II. Facilities for safe and pure drinking water should be provided.
III. The railway stations and platforms should be made more clean and hygienic.
(A) I & II follow (B) II & III follow
(C) I & III follow (D) All follow
(E) None of these
2. Statement: Although advancement medical science has raised life expectancy, the rate of child mortality remains high in India.
Courses of Action:
I. Efforts should be made to lower life expectancy.
II. Medical scientists should be asked to give up their jobs.
III. Efforts should be made to decrease the rate of child mortality.
(A) I & II follow (B) II & III follow
(C) I & III follow (D) Only I follows
(E) Only III follows
3. Statement: The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action:
I. CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him
II. CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
4. Statement: The librarian finds some case in which the pages from certain books issued from the library, are torn.
Courses of Action:
I. The Librarian should keep a record of books issued by each student, and if the pages are found torn, strict measures should be taken against the child who had been issued that book.
II. Some funds should be collected from the children collectively to renovate the library.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows (D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
5. Statement: Inspite of the Principal's repeated warnings a child was caught exploding cracker secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
I. All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
II. the child should be severely punished for his wrong act.
(A) if only I follows
(B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
6. Statement: Some serious blunders were detected in the Accounts Section of a factory.
Courses of Action:
I. An efficient team of auditors should be appointed to check accounts.
II. A show-cause notice should be issued to all the employees involved in the irregularity.
(A) if only I follows
(B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
7. Statement: A group of school students was reported to be enjoying a picnic spot during school hours.
Courses of Action:
I. The Principal should contact the parents of the students and tell them about the incident with a real warning for the future.
II. Some disciplinary action must be taken against those students and all other students should be made aware of it.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
8. Statement: A train has derailed near a station while moving over a bridge and fell into the river.
Courses of Action:
I. The Railway Authorities should clarify the reason of the accident to the Government.
II. The Government should allocate founds to compensate the destruction caused.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
9. Statement: Assembly and Parliamentary elections should be held simultaneously.
Course of Action:
I. The Constitution should be given responsibility for this purpose
II. The President should be given responsibility for deciding it.
(A) If only I follows (B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows give answer
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.
10. Statement: If the faculty members also join the strike, there is going to be a serious problem.
Courses of Action:
I. The faculty members should be persuaded not to go on strike.
II. Those faculty members who join the strike should be suspended.
III. The management should not worry about such small things.
(A) Only I follows (B) Only I and II follow
(C) Only II and III follow (D) None follows
(E) All follow
11. Statement: The army has been alerted in the district following floods triggered by incessant rains.
Courses of Action:
I. Relief to flood affected people should be arranged.
II. Supply of food articles should be arranged.
III. Adequate medical facilities should be arranged.
(A) Only I follows (B) Only II follows
(C) Only I and III follows (D) None follows
(E) All follow
12. Statement: A major rail accident involving a mail train was averted due to the presence of mind of one signal man at a wayside cabin.
Courses of Action:
I. The railway track for at least 50 km should be cleared of any traffic ahead of all the mail trains.
II. The railway signaling systems should immediately be made automatic.
III. The signal man should be rewarded so as to encourage others.
(A) All follow
(B) None follows
(C) Only I and II follow
(D) Only II and III follow
(E) None of these
Type-I: Problem Solution Relation
In this type of pattern, the suggested course of action can be followed if.
1. It solves / reduces of minimize the problem
2. the solution or course of action is practically possible.
A suggested course of actions can be said to solve/reduce/minimize, the problem.
(a) It is an established fact.
i.e., It is acknowledged universally as a fact. It is an established fact that accidents can be minimized if the motorists follow traffic rules.
(b) Experiences says so :
If previous experience predict that the particular course of action will minimize the problems, then it can be followed. For example, past experiences tell us that a ban on arrack is never effective. A tougher legislation may make it effective, but till now it proved otherwise.
(c) Logically it is right:
If the problem given is a new one and hardly any experience can be attached to it, check whether the course of action is logically right.
Type-II: Fact - Improvement Relation
This pattern is solved just by applying the same rules of Type I. First we have to identify whether the fact or situation will improve due to the course of action mentioned. Second thing to do is to check whether the, course of action is practically possible.
Practice Exercise
1. Statement: Passengers travelling by the Indian Railways face a lot of hardships and inconveniences.
Courses of Action:
I. Efforts should be made to stop overcrowding in trains
II. Facilities for safe and pure drinking water should be provided.
III. The railway stations and platforms should be made more clean and hygienic.
(A) I & II follow (B) II & III follow
(C) I & III follow (D) All follow
(E) None of these
2. Statement: Although advancement medical science has raised life expectancy, the rate of child mortality remains high in India.
Courses of Action:
I. Efforts should be made to lower life expectancy.
II. Medical scientists should be asked to give up their jobs.
III. Efforts should be made to decrease the rate of child mortality.
(A) I & II follow (B) II & III follow
(C) I & III follow (D) Only I follows
(E) Only III follows
3. Statement: The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action:
I. CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him
II. CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
4. Statement: The librarian finds some case in which the pages from certain books issued from the library, are torn.
Courses of Action:
I. The Librarian should keep a record of books issued by each student, and if the pages are found torn, strict measures should be taken against the child who had been issued that book.
II. Some funds should be collected from the children collectively to renovate the library.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows (D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
5. Statement: Inspite of the Principal's repeated warnings a child was caught exploding cracker secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
I. All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
II. the child should be severely punished for his wrong act.
(A) if only I follows
(B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
6. Statement: Some serious blunders were detected in the Accounts Section of a factory.
Courses of Action:
I. An efficient team of auditors should be appointed to check accounts.
II. A show-cause notice should be issued to all the employees involved in the irregularity.
(A) if only I follows
(B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
7. Statement: A group of school students was reported to be enjoying a picnic spot during school hours.
Courses of Action:
I. The Principal should contact the parents of the students and tell them about the incident with a real warning for the future.
II. Some disciplinary action must be taken against those students and all other students should be made aware of it.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
8. Statement: A train has derailed near a station while moving over a bridge and fell into the river.
Courses of Action:
I. The Railway Authorities should clarify the reason of the accident to the Government.
II. The Government should allocate founds to compensate the destruction caused.
(A) if only I follows (B) if only II follows
(C) if either I or II follows
(D) if neither I nor II follows
(E) if both I and II follow.
9. Statement: Assembly and Parliamentary elections should be held simultaneously.
Course of Action:
I. The Constitution should be given responsibility for this purpose
II. The President should be given responsibility for deciding it.
(A) If only I follows (B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows give answer
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.
10. Statement: If the faculty members also join the strike, there is going to be a serious problem.
Courses of Action:
I. The faculty members should be persuaded not to go on strike.
II. Those faculty members who join the strike should be suspended.
III. The management should not worry about such small things.
(A) Only I follows (B) Only I and II follow
(C) Only II and III follow (D) None follows
(E) All follow
11. Statement: The army has been alerted in the district following floods triggered by incessant rains.
Courses of Action:
I. Relief to flood affected people should be arranged.
II. Supply of food articles should be arranged.
III. Adequate medical facilities should be arranged.
(A) Only I follows (B) Only II follows
(C) Only I and III follows (D) None follows
(E) All follow
12. Statement: A major rail accident involving a mail train was averted due to the presence of mind of one signal man at a wayside cabin.
Courses of Action:
I. The railway track for at least 50 km should be cleared of any traffic ahead of all the mail trains.
II. The railway signaling systems should immediately be made automatic.
III. The signal man should be rewarded so as to encourage others.
(A) All follow
(B) None follows
(C) Only I and II follow
(D) Only II and III follow
(E) None of these
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