Statement Analysis (Reasoning)

In this section of reasoning, certain facts are broken up in few sentences. One should have to read the statements carefully, so as to arrange them and sort out the given facts.

Practice Question

1.    Sushma is Richer than Rashmi whereas as Rashmi. Shobha is richer than Sushma which of the following statements is correct according to the above propositions?
(A)     Rashmi is poorer than Priya     (B)    Priya is richer than Arun
(C)     Arun is poorer than Sushma    (D)     Anand is richer than Rashmi
(E)     None of these
2.    Among five friends P, Q, R, S and T, who is the youngest? To arrive at the answer which of the following information given in the statements (A) and (B) is sufficient?
(a)     R is younger then P and T
(b)     S is younger than Q
(A)    Only (a) alone is sufficient     (B)     Either (a) or (b) is sufficient
(C)    Both (a) or (b) is sufficient    (D)     Only (b) alone is sufficient
(E)    Both (a) and (b) together are not sufficient
3.    Ashok is younger than Prabir and Gopa. Sohan is younger than Prabir but older than Gopal, Which of the following statements is definitely true?
(A)     Ashok is older than Sohan        (B)     Sohan is the oldest among than
(C)     Gopal is younger than Ashok    (D)     Gopal is older than Prabir
(E)     Gopa is next to the youngest among tham.
4.    Who enjoys travelling ?
(A)     Eena       (B)     Mira
(C)     Meena    (D)     Moe
(E)     None of the above
5.    Who is the girl with the hobbies dancing and gardening?
(A)     Ena      (B)     Moe
(C)     Mira    (D)     Meena
(E)     None of the above
6.    Who is staying at Chennai ?
(A)     Meena    (B)     Ena
(C)     Both      (D)     None of the above
(E)    Cannot be determined
7.    Who among the following is fond of gardening ?
(A)     Meena    (B)     Mira
(C)     Both       (D)     None of the above
(E)     Cannot be determined
8.    What are Meena's hobbies ?
(A)     Reading, dancing    (B)     Gardening, painting
(C)     Travelling, dancing    (D)     Clay modeling, reading
(E)     None of the above
9.    Who among the following is the housewife?
(A)     Q    (B)     P
(C)     S    (D)     T
(E)     None of these
10.    Which of the following represents the group of females in the family?
(A)     QTR    (B)     PSR
(C)     PSU    (D)     Data inadequate
(E)     None of these 
11.    Which of the following is true about the granddaughter in the family?
(A)     She is a student    (B)     She is an engineer
(C)     She is a lawyer    (D)     Data Inadequate
(E)     None of these 
12.    How R is related to U?
(A)     Brother                  (B)     Sister
(C)     Brother or Sister     (D)     Data inadequate
(E)     None of these
13.    How is P related to R?
(A)     Grandfather     (B)     Mother
(C)     Sister              (D)     Grandmother
(E)     None of these 
14.    If F, another friend is taller than C, how many of them will be between F and E according to their height?
    (i)    A, B, C, D and E are five friends
    (ii)   B is elder to E, but not as tall as C
    (iii)  C is younger to A < and is taller to D and E
    (iv)  A is taller to D, but younger to E
    (v)   D is elder to A but is shortest in the group
(A)     None     (B)     One
(C)     Two      (D)     Three
(E)     None of these
15.    If selection is to be made among them who would be relatively older and also taller, who among them should be chosen?
    (i)     A, B, C, D, E and F are six member of a family.
    (ii)    There are two married couples among them.
    (iii)    C is the mother of A and F
    (iv)    E is the father of d
    (v)    A is the grandson of B
    (vi)   The total number of female members in the family is three.
(A)     A     (B)     E
(C)     D    (D)    C
(E)     None of these
